We are in desperate need of new women’s underwear (sizes M- XL) and bras (sizes 34B-42D).
Approximately 14,000 people in Utah will experience homelessness this year.
From emergency services to recovery programs, we have compassionate solutions to homelessness.
God+You+Us makes all we do possible.
Volunteer today.
Lead the way by providing a foundation of monthly-support that provides basic needs and life-changing solutions.
Our year-long addiction recovery program
provides a pathway off streets and into
sobriety, faith, employment, and
stable housing.
For those who just need to get
back to work, we provide a bed,
a home base, and job leads.
This free help allows them to
quickly transition back
into housing.
We have facilities and services across
the Wasatch Front.
Daily meals, family food boxes,
comfortable shelter, crisis counseling,
showers, clothing, and a safe day room
are just a few ways we care for our
homeless friends.
Panhandlers – How to Help
Give these cards to panhandlers so they know about the free meals, shelter, clothing, and employment help compassionately available at the Rescue Mission.
Help someone off the streets and transform a life by donating today!
Your Support Can Change Someone’s Life.