Nothing Can Separate God’s People from His Love

Do you truly believe that nothing can separate you or someone else from the love of God? Keep in mind that nothing includes homelessness, addiction, mental illness, and a criminal record. It is with that belief that the Rescue Mission operates our New Life Program. We seek to help people understand that their past cannot thwart God’s desire to be connected to His people who find joy in following Him.

After all, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Moreover, “Who shall separate us from the love of Jesus?” The answer is nothing and no one. To paraphrase: Neither death nor life, not angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers or anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God . . . that is in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:31-39).

I love this Bible passage. One reason I enjoy it is that I have confidence that believing this passage is the only way we can fully appreciate the Easter season. When we think that Jesus endured a horrific death on the cross (so His people can experience the mercy of God) it is amazing to ponder whatever separation happened between Jesus and His Father during his death was overcome by His amazing resurrection, which gives hope to all who seek Him.

At the Rescue Mission, we see every person as someone created in God’s image (Gen. 1:26) endowed with innate dignity and worth, thus deserving love, compassion, and a future where each person can be the person God created them to be. We strive to see people as God sees them. We can only accomplish this goal because of the hope we have in the resurrection. In knowing what God did for us, we can truly serve in humility and consider other’s needs above our own. We when do, we strive to have the same attitude as Jesus (Philp. 2:1-5).

This Easter Season, as we remember Jesus’ death and celebrate His resurrection with joy, all of us at the Rescue Mission seek to become closer followers of Jesus. And we know that a key way to accomplish that goal is to serve those most of us would call the least and lost. The ones whom Jesus calls “brothers and sisters of mine.” (Matt. 25:40).

As you join us in this work by investing in people’s lives and the work of the Rescue Mission, you are joining with God in the work He is doing to restore lives and end homelessness in Salt Lake. Your support shows hurting people that they are loved, valued, and that nothing can separate God’s people from Himself. Nothing, not even a 27-hour bike ride, as you can read in Chris Nunez’ life story in this month’s newsletter.

May God’s grace and peace be yours this Easter Season!

Chris D. Croswhite

Executive Director

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